12 Volt amplifier push-pull using 2sa1943 transistor

12 Volt amplifier push-pull using 2sa1943 transistor:

This is a 12 Volt amplifier push-pull using 2sa1943 transistor. This amplifier can produce 60 watts using 12 voltage.  3 transistors were used, one for input and the other 2 for output. and 2 transformers. one for the input transformer and another for the output transformer. 

12 Volt amplifier push-pull using 2sa1943 transistor

This is the Speaker protection circuit diagram. It can protect our Speaker from burn. If the amplifier has any problems, this circuit can save our soundbox. Normally, when the transistor makes a short circuit, the voltage comes out from the speaker output line, and this circuit protects that voltage. This circuit should not allow any direct voltage to be sent to the speaker. This circuit is very important for protecting the speaker.

12 Volt amplifier push-pull using 2sa1943 transistor

We have another post for you. like Stk 4101   repairing amplifier,

2sa1943 Polarity is PNP. The Maximum Collector Power Dissipation is 150 Watts. The Maximum Collector-Base Voltage is 250 Volts. The Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage is 250 Volts. The Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage is 5 Volts. The Maximum Collector Current is 17 amperes. 

transistor circuit diagram

Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. Home Theater Circuit  Diagram 5.1

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About Electronics Help Care

It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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