2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram

2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram 200 watts.

This is a 2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram 200 watts. here used PNP and NPN transistors 2n3055 and mj2955. both are metal transistors. Complementary Silicon Power Transistors. this transistor is a 15-ampere power transistor with supplementary silicon 60 volts, 115 watts. here in this amplifier circuit, we are using 35-0-35 voltage and 6 amperes. 2n3055 transistor is an NPN transistor and mj2955 is a PNP transistor.  

We know that Voltage X amperes= Watts. So, 35X6=210 Watts. So our amplifier should be 210 Watts. but it’s a mono amplifier. If we want to make a stereo amplifier then we have to use 2 circuits. one for the right channel and another for the left channel.

These is transistors.

2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram 200 watts.

This is the circuit diagram.

2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram 200 watts.

To make this circuit.

2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram 200 watts.

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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