Amplifier circuit using stk4191

Amplifier circuit using stk4191:

This is an amplifier circuit using stk4191. This board can make 100 watts + 100 watts. it’s a stereo diagram. we can use 20-0-20 voltage to 35-0-35 voltage and 5 amperes. We also can use stk4141 to stk4191 in this diagram. This is an  Amplifier circuit diagram using stk4191. this board can make 100 Watts + 100 Watts. We can use 20-0-20 voltage to 35-0-35 voltage. this is a stereo board. In this circuit, we can use STK 4141 to STK 4191. here need dual voltage. positive negative and ground voltage. Features
The (STK4191) series STK4102 and STK4101V series
 (the high-grade type) are pin-consistent in the output range of 6W to 100 W and enable easy diagrams.
The Small-sized package whose pin assignment is the same
as that of the STK4101 series
The Built-in muting circuit cut off many kinds of pop noise
The Greatly reduced heat sink due to the substrate temp is 125°C 
The best cost performance. 

Amplifier circuit using stk4191

All resistors will be 1 watts. Always have to use a good transformer to make a strong voltage. 

Please use strong voltage. Always use the best quality transformer diode and capacitor to produce good voltage. here needs a minimum 2200uf and 50 voltage capacitor. the diode will be a minimum of 6 amperes.  This board doesn’t have any output protection system. so needs speaker protection to protect the speaker. if the IC gets a short circuit then the protection circuit will protect the speaker from being burnt. the protection circuit diagram

The circuit diagram is 

Amplifier circuit using stk4191

We have another post for you. like Stk 4141   repairing amplifier,

transistor circuit diagram

Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. Home Theater Circuit Diagram 5.1

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Amplifier circuit using stk4191

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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