Audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558

Audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558:

This is an audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558. this circuit diagram can control High mid and low. This circuit needs dual voltage positive negative and ground voltage. we can use 12-0-12 voltage to 15-0-15 voltage. this is a mono-circuit diagram. Every amplifier needs this type of pre-amplifier to produce good sound quality. there are many kinds of pre-amplifiers. Stereo and mono are both types of circuits; this is a mono-circuit diagram.

Audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558

The voltage should be dual positive negative and ground. the main amplifier ground voltage and this pre-amplifier ground voltage must be connected. We can make a voltage of 12-0-12 to 15-0-15 using 7812,7912 and 7815,7915. but this type of voltage produces low amperes. low amperes can’t make good sound. for this, we can use tip41 and tip42 to make strong voltage. here is the diagram to make 12-0-12 voltage

Audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558 ...

Here all resistors are 1/4 watts. we also can use 1/2 watts. used 2 IC 4558d. all capacitors should be a minimum 16 volts because we are using 12-0-12 volts. 4 volumes are 100k. also can use 50k. one for the main volume control. one for the high control. and one for the mid-control. another one for the low control. all kinds of amplifiers can use this circuit. there have transistor pre-amplifier circuit also. this type of IC-based circuit can make good-quality of sound. 

The circuit diagram is here

Audio equalizer Tone Control Ic 4558

some people use 3 pre-amplifiers. like volume bass and tone. and some people like transistor pre-amplifier and some people like Ic-based pre-amplifier. 

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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