How to make Home Theater Circuit Diagram:
Home Theater Circuit Diagram. Who doesn’t likes to Watch movies With a real home theater sound system? Nowadays in the market available most of our 2.1 subwoofers sound systems are. to watching the movie this sound system is not good. this is why I make this contain and make this video for you. maximum car audio sound system used this TDA8571j ic. this IC has 4 inputs and 4 outputs. it’s home theater circuit diagram 4.0

This is the TDA8571j IC
only 12voltage used for this IC circuit diagram. no need to make the center tub voltage.
This IC makes 4 outputs for Speaker. per output is 50 Watts so 4X50=200 Watts.
We know that voltage X ampere = Watts. so 12 voltage / 200 watts=16.6 ampere.
you have to use a 12-voltage 16-ampere transformer to get 200 Watts from this IC.
normally this IC is used on a car audio sound system. we know the car battery is a minimum of 35 amperes
Now you can ask How to connect 4 inputs. We see The computer has 3 sockets for the audio system
normally we use 2. one for Speaker output and the middle one the Green one. and the pink one for
the microphone. but blue one for What? this blue one is also for the audio output device.
So let’s go to Watch the Video for making this ic diagram circuit
You can see here in this circuit diagram used only a few components. it’s making it so easy. make this amplifier and enjoy the surround sound system.
if you use a car Speaker it will be good sound. so use a car speaker for getting a nice sound from this amplifier.
Requires very few external components
High output power
Fixed gain
Load dump protection
The TDA8571J contains four identical amplifiers which can
be used for bridge applications. The gain of each amplifier
is fixed at 34 dB

4 × 45 W BTL quad car radio power
transistor circuit diagram of 2sa1943 and 2sc5200
Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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