DC power supply for power amplifier:
This is a DC power supply for the power amplifier. we need this type of diagram for any amplifier. it’s the dual power DC voltage diagram. positive negative and the ground voltage. here a bridge diode is to make AC to dc voltage. we also can use a single diode to make this circuit. bridge diode is also made using 4 single diodes. here is the article to make the diode: How to make a diode

here 2 bridge diodes to make AC to DC voltage. also, dual transformers are used here in this circuit. here dual positive negative voltage is used. One positive voltage and another one’s negative voltage are together to make ground voltage. and the left positive voltage and negative voltage. every diode needs a small heatsink to protect the heat. both diodes will be according to the transformer ampere. if we use 5 amperes transformer then we have to use minimum 6 amperes diode. 4 capacitors are used here. 2 capacitors work as one capacitor. 2 capacitors make one parallel connection. we also can use two capacitors. bur four is the best. if one is spoilt then another one will work. we also can see that 100nf is used in the AC and DC sections. it’s good for the voltage. but not so important to use this 100nf. capacitors are 100 volts and 10000 mfd.
the diagram is here
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