DIY SMPS power supply
This is the DIY SMPS power supply for DC voltage. we can make the Switch mode power supply like this system. this system is so easy to make. we can also control the voltage using the KLY variable. this circuit needs one old computer power supply to take the chopper transformer. one diode and one 400-voltage capacitor to make AC 220 voltage to DC 350 voltage. and one 35-volt capacitor and 2 diode to make secondary AC to dc.

Here we can see a KLY circuit to make this SMPS. this KLY circuit we can get from the market. we can get it around 2 dollars. here is a video to make this circuit diagram. please view this video to make this SMPS circuit diagram. this circuit makes 25 volts using this computer chopper. if you can re-wind the chopper then good. or can’t rewind then you can use 7812 to make 12 voltage. for any help please WhatsApp me at +8801980060190
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