Flip flop circuit diagram

Flip-flop circuit diagram:

This is a Flip-flop circuit diagram. flip-flop in a digital electronics circuit with two stable states that can be used to store binary data. The binary stored data can be changed by applying different inputs. Flip-flops are building blocks of digital electronics systems used in computers and many other electronics systems. Both are used as binary data storage elements. It is the basic storage element in serial logic.

Flip flop circuit diagram
Flip flop circuit diagram

Kinds of Flip-Flops:

Below are the Types of Flip-Flop
1.SR Flip Flop
2.JK Flip Flop
3.D Flip Flop
4.T Flip Flop

The S-R Flip Flop
This flip flop, with the help of preset and clear, when the switched ON, the states of the circuit keep on changing, is it is uncertain. this may come to a set(Q=1) or reset(Q’=0). In a lot of applications, it is intended to initially set or reset the flip-flop circuit which is the initial state of the flip-flop that needs to be imposed.

The J-K Flip Flop
In JK flip flops, The basic structure of the flip flop is made up of Clock (CLK), and Clear (CLR).
Case 1 (PR=CLR=0 ): This condition is in its unwell state.
Case 2 (PR=0 and CLR=1): the PR is turned on which means the output in the Q is set to 1. and the flip-flop is in the set state.

The D Flip Flop:
The D Flip Flop is made up of one data input(D), a clock input(CLK), and dual outputs. Case 1 (PR=CLR=0): This state is represented as a wrong state where both PR(present) and CLR(clear) inputs are inactive.

The T Flip Flop:
The T Flip Flop is made of data input (TO), a clock input (CLK), and dual outputs. Case 1 (T=0): In this state, the flip-flop remains in its recent state regardless of the clock input, Also the Output Q will remain unchanged unit the value of T will be the same.

Flip flop circuit diagram
Flip flop circuit diagram

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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