how to make 12-0-12 voltage:
This is how to make 12-0-12 voltage. this circuit diagram can make any voltage. here we can make dual voltage positive negative and ground voltage. here used 2 transistors. One transistor is a positive transistor and one transistor is negative. A1941 is a negative transistor. C5198 is a positive transistor. both transistors Base Collector and Emitter are the same. collector got the main input voltage. emitter makes output voltage. base got the voltage we wanted using the resistor and ziner diode. here used 1k 2watts resistor. 12 voltage ziner diode to make 12 voltage. if we use 5 volts ziner diode we can get an output 5 voltage. the output voltage will be according to the ziner diode.

we need this type of voltage for the audio amplifier. maximum time this circuit needs in the audio pre-circuit.
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