How to make 5 voltage:
This is a circuit diagram to make strong 5 voltage. normally we use 7805 to make 5 voltage for audio Bluetooth cards or others. but 7805 makes 500ma amperes. but sometimes we need 2 amperes. then we can use this circuit. this circuit can make 6 amperes. TIP41c is an NPN transistor. this transistor runs with 100 volts and 6 amperes. the transistor will make hot. for this, we use a heatsink.

Here used TIP41c. one 560 ohms resistor and one 5.6 voltage ziner diode. the transistor has 3 legs. 1st one is Base. 2nd one is Collector. 3rd one is Emitter. The collector will get the Voltage. An emitter is an output. the base works as a regulator. Emitter will work according to the base. if the base commends 3 volts then Emitter will make 3 voltage.
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