how to make amplifier 4.1 amplifiers:
how to make an amplifier 4.1 amplifier. this diagram we can use as a car amplifier, or also we can use in the home, this is home theater amplifier also. here in this circuit diagram can make 200 watts. par speaker 50 watts. 50+50+50+50=200 watts. TDA7388 Ic number. normally this is used in the car audio player. in this circuit diagram, we can use 4 input and 4 output.
Let’s go to watch the video that how to make this circuit diagram.
We know that voltage X ampere = Watts. so 12 voltage / 200 watts=16.6 ampere.
you have to use 12 voltage 16-ampere transformer to get 200 Watts from this IC.
normally this IC is used on car audio sound systems. we know the car battery is a minimum of 35 amperes
Now you can ask How to connect 4 inputs. We see the computer has 3 sockets for the audio system
normally we use 2. one for Speaker output the middle one the Green one. and the pink one for
the microphone. but a blue one for What? this blue one is also for the audio output device.
Build a Transformer or construction of the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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