how to make an amplifier using transistor TTC5200:
Today we can learn how to make an amplifier using transistor TTC5200 only. normally we use TTC5200 and TTA1943. but in this circuit diagram, we can see only TTA5200. we must need center tap voltage. Center tap transformer for transistor amplifier. transforms electrical energy from one circuit to another without any direct electrical connection. We had to use the transformer everywhere. but nowadays we can use SMPS circuits also. in SMPS also have the center tap. Normally we use Positive and Negative voltage transformers. but the center tap has 3 outputs. Positive, Negative, and Ground Voltage. we need this transformer for making the amplifier. normally a transformer has a primary and secondary wire. for primary we use AC 110v/220 voltage. and we can get output from secondary what we need. here secondary has 2 wire outputs. But a center tap transformer has 3 wires for the output voltage. For this circuit, we have to use a center tap transformer. please share this post if you like.

Let’s watch the video,
transistor circuit diagram of 2sa1943 and 2sc5200
Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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