how to make audio equalizer

how to make an audio equalizer?

how to make an audio equalizer. so let’s make if we want to control the audio quality like bass, tone, high, and low. normally all kinds of amplifiers got audio. sometimes we need this circuit diagram. 

This is a High low and mid-control circuit diagram

how to make audio equalizer

This is 4 volume audio equalizer. It’s mono audio. if we want stereo then we have to use 2 circuits. one circuit for the right side and another circuit for the left side. both circuits need 12 voltages. 1st one is volume. 2nd one is high. 3rd one is mid. and 4th one is low. with 4 band circuit. 

how to make audio equalizer

100k volume needs to make it. we can use 50k. but 100k will be good. the small sound from a mobile or cd player will connect with audio input. and the sound will come out from the audio output. and the audio output will go to the amplifier.

how to make audio equalizer

this circuit helps to mix the sound. here needs 12 voltage 1-ampere power supply. this voltage makes an amplifier

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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