Mini amplifier circuit diagram using lm380:
This is a simple audio amplifier using lm380 ic. it’s run 9 voltage to 15 voltage. normally we use 12 voltage for this amplifier circuit diagram. we get only 5 watts from this circuit diagram. but this sound is so clear and melody. if you need only vocal then you can use this circuit diagram. in the car also can use this circuit diagram. normally we can find this circuit in the computer sub-woofer. here this circuit is mono. it’s for 5 watts and 4 ohms. Let’s go to describe this circuit diagram.

Here we can see 4 Capacitor,1resistor,1pf, and the ic only. so this circuit diagram is so easy to make. and also so chip to make. we have to use minimum 16 voltage capacitor. bass tone circuit diagram
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Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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