Motor speed controller circuit

Motor speed controller circuit:

This is a DC motor speed controller circuit diagram. This circuit diagram can control every single voltage DC motor, from 4.5 to 15 volts, using this NE555 IC. Here, we use the NE555 IC and a Z44n MOSFET, which is a negative-voltage MOSFET. negative voltage control in this diagram. positive voltage works as direct.

Motor speed controller circuit
Motor speed controller circuit

NE555 timer IC is an integrated circuit used in various delay, timer, oscillator applications, and pulse generation. NE555 is the most popular timing IC. The Signetics designed this IC and it was first marketed in 1972 and used bipolar junction transistors. Many numerous companies are making this original timer. The NE555 temperature range is 0 °C to +70 °C. and the SE555 number designated the military temp range is −55 °C to +125 °C. We can use this circuit diagram not only for the DC motors. we also can use this for the light dimmer controller. not only for that. we can control according to our needs. we can control 4.5 voltage to 15 voltage and 10 amperes. 


The diagram is 

Motor speed controller circuit
Motor speed controller circuit

Muse uses a good quality heatsink for the MOSFET. all resistors will be 1/4 watts. here used 2 resistors one 1k and another one is 10k. 2 ziner diode used 1N4148. one diode 4007. 4 pf are used. 103,104, 223, 472. One 100k variable resistor is used to control the voltage. we also can change the MOSFET. any negative channel MOSFET. 

The PCB of this diagram.

Motor speed controller circuit

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It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)
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