Pre-amplifier for bridge mode

Pre-amplifier for bridge mode:

This is a Pre-amplifier for bridge mode amplifier. this circuit needs to make the amplifier in bridge mode. when we need dual power in one channel, we have to use this circuit. left and right channel makes output together. that time no need for the ground. the output will be from the left output and right output. One channel will make + output, and another will make – output for the speaker. here used 2 IC NE5534N. 

Pre-amplifier for bridge mode

Here need dual voltage 15-0-15 voltage and 2 amperes. every circuit needs a strong voltage and the amperes. always we have to use the best quality of transformer, the diode, and the capacitor to make a good voltage and amperes. 

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Pre-amplifier for bridge mode




About Electronics Help Care

It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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