What is the Resistor and Types of Resistor:
What is the Resistor and Types of Resistor? The resistor is a component in any circuit or electronics department. it’s important and so many useful components. Resistors come in many different sizes and shapes. Resistor work is to restrict the flow of electrons and reduce the current or voltage flowing by converting electrical energy into heat. In the audio system, volume controls in audio equipment use variable resistors like these. volume is also resistor. Every resistor has its value number. every electronics component has there value number. normally we can find every component value number to there body. But the only resistor has a different system to find out their value number. it uses the color code to find out the value number.
carbon resistor:
Carbon resistors are a cheap resistor used in electrical and electronic circuits. The Carbon Resistor is low to a medium type power resistor. this resistor has a low inductance making them ideal for high-frequency applications but they can also suffer from stability when hot.
Carbon resistor
Inside of carbon resistor
Film resistor:
This type of resistor consists of Metal Film, Carbon Film, and Metal Oxide Film. this Film Resistors have much better temperature stability than the carbon resistor.
Inside of film resistor
Wirewound Resistor:
There is another type of resistor, it’s called a Wirewound Resistor. this resistor is made by winding a thin metal. These types of the resistor are very low ohmic high precision values ( 0.01Ω to 100kΩ) remaining to the gauge of the wire and number of turns possible on the former making them ideal for use in measuring circuits and Wheatstone bridge type request.
Inside of wirewound resistor:
There has another wirewound resistor we called ceramic resistor. we use this type of resistor everywhere in the electronics nowadays. for the sound world, this type of resistor is so common component.
Inside of this:

There have various kinds of the resistor has in the electronics field. In this article, we can see only the common resistor are. Which resistor is used in common electronics applications.
transistor circuit diagram of 2sa1943 and 2sc5200
Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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