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DIY timer circuit board

DIY timer circuit board:

This is a DIY timer circuit board. this diagram is so easy to make. it’s an important diagram in the electronics sector. sometimes we need the power to be switched on after some time. for this, we can use this diagram. here has a variable to adjust the time. we can set the time according to our needs. like 0.2 seconds to 2 hours. 

DIY timer circuit board

It’s run with 12 voltage 1 amperes. the diagram 

DIY timer circuit board

here is the video


This circuit can be used in every audio amplifier. Equalizer

transistor board 

Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. Home Theater  5.1

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or Amplifier Diagram

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About Electronics Help Care

It's me. I like electronics. I like to repair electronics. I like to make circuit diagram. it's me who sleep with electronics. electronics is my dream. Always resistor diode capacitor and transistor playing in my dream. It's me (Ramen Bairagee)

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