how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

This is TDA7294 RMS 300W Amplifier Circuit Diagram. This amplifier has four pieces of power IC TDA7294. That means this circuit uses two ICs of every single channel in bridge mode. Here load value must not be less than 8 Ohms.

how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

it’s the maximum watts amplifier using IC. how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

Main advantages of this circuit:
* High power with low voltage.
* Considerable power, even at high load values (Up to 16 Ohm).
With a load of 8 Ohms and a power supply voltage of ±25V max, the maximum performance that can be obtained is 150W per channel. While with 16 Ohms load, and a power supply voltage of ±35V, we will have a maximum of 170W per channel.

how to make high watts amplifier using tda7294

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