how to make preamplifier:
Best preamp for amplifier. we can use this circuit diagram to increase our amplifier sound and sound quality. every amplifier needs a preamplifier to increase the sound. here used a 2n5551 transistor to increase the sound. normally we can see 4558 ic-based preamplifiers. 4558-based needs dual voltage to make a good quality of sound. but when we have only 12 voltages then we have to use this type of circuit diagram. when we use 12 voltage battery then we have to use a 12-volt amplifier.

It’s a stereo preamplifier circuit diagram for all kinds of amplifiers. The left side got input and output line and the right side got input and output. all resistor is 1/4 watts. 2 transistors for 2 sides.
This is the backside of this circuit diagram

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Bass tone circuit diagram
led music level indicator circuit diagram
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