inverter circuit diagram pdf:
We are going to make an Inverter for our amplifier. Normally This type of amplifier can’t run with 12 voltages. we are trying to run. We are not going to make 220 Ac voltage. We are going to make only 50-0-50 Voltage for our amplifier circuit. Because we need this voltage for the amplifier. here we make a step-up transformer 12 to 50-0-50 voltage. We also make an inverter circuit Diagram.

In this Diagram we can see that we use a 12-voltage battery. after we get 50-0-50 voltage. It’s so easy to make this. we can see the Diagram. we use 2 transistors and 2 resistors only. The 2n3055 piece and 5watts 220 or 330 registers 2 pieces. and for secondary, we can see a Diode and 2 capacitors for making the voltage.
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Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. home theater circuit diagram 5.1
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