Timer circuit diagram:
This is a timer circuit diagram. this circuit can control using this adjustable variable. we can make this circuit as we want. we can make the time as we want. we can adjust 0.5 seconds to 12 hours. this circuit’s input voltage is 12 and the output voltage also is 12. we can use a relay to get strong output.

how to make a low pass filter for a subwoofer:
this is a circuit for driving only a bass amplifier. this circuit makes bass only. when we use a sub-woofer. every subwoofer needs a bass amplifier. every bass amplifier needs this circuit to make only bass. it’s called a low-pass filter. when we need only a low part then we have to use this circuit. in the audio input, we use any song with bass mid and high. but we will get only bass from the output. that means we will get only the low part.
On our website, you can get many important circuit diagrams. not only amplifier but also inverter. voltage controller. transistor amplifier. STK amplifier. Class-D amplifier. bass circuit/ low pass filter
here has many amplifier circuit diagrams on our website. Electronicshelpcare
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Build a Transformer or construct the transformer. Home Theater Circuit Diagram 5.1
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