Stk amplifier circuit diagram using STK412-150:
This is the Stk amplifier circuit diagram using STK412-150. this circuit diagram for STK 412-000 series. this diagram needs High and low voltage. here this circuit used 80-50-0-50-80 voltage. This circuit can make 200 Watts + 200 Watts. we can use 2 power supplies like. one should be 80-0-80. another one should be 50-0-50. both grounds should be together. and we have to use the best quality capacitors.

Here in this circuit, all resisters should be 1 watt. all component values are written on this circuit. nowadays we get this STK 412-150 from an old audio sound system. we get the IC easily but we can’t get the circuit. for this, we can use this circuit to reuse the STK 412-150. This IC needs High and low voltage. normally STK 4141 to STK 4191 needs dual voltage like 35-0-35 voltage. but here this STK 412-150 needs 80-50-0-50-80 voltage maximum. if we use 60-40-0-40-60 will be good.

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