how to make an amplifier circuit using Stk4141:
This is the audio amplifier circuit diagram Stk 4141. stk4141 run with 24-0-24 voltage. It’s a stereo amplifier. It’s a 25-watt dual amplifier. 25w+25w. We have to use a 24-0-24 voltage and 3 amperes transformer.
50+50 watts amplifier
Maximum supply voltage (Vcc max) ±39V
Recommended supply voltage (Vcc) ±26V
Recommended Load resistance (RL) 8Ω
Typical Muting voltage –5V (min: –2, max: –10)
Input impedance (Conditions: Output power 1W, Frequency 1kHz),

This is a same circuit video
The diagram for print
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